How to email your contacts in Zeffy

You can send emails in bulk or contact your supporters individually straight from your Zeffy dashboard.


General notes about sending emails in Zeffy

You can include up to 11, 000 contacts on an email at once.

Emails sent to more than one contact are sent using BCC to ensure the privacy of all recipients. This means that recipients will not see that others have been included in the email sent. 

The sender email is for all emails sent from Zeffy

The reply-to email is the email address that was used to login to Zeffy to send the email. (note: if you login with to compose the email and then login with to send the email - the reply-to will be

You can customize the sender name when you begin composing your email, just above the recipients section. 

Send an email to all your contacts at once

Follow these steps to send an email to all of your contacts

  1. Login to Zeffy and navigate to the "Contacts" section
  2. Check on the box at the top of your contact list to select all. Click the "Send email" button in the top right-hand corner.
    Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 5.59.50 PM
  3. A screen will open to the right where you can compose your email. Learn more about the different emailing tools at your disposal here
  4. Send yourself a test email or click send to share it with your contacts
  5. Refer to the metrics available to you in the Email section to track your email's opens, clicks and more. To learn more about these metrics, click here.

Send an email to a segment of your contacts

Apply filters to your contact list to email a portion of your contacts

  1. Login to Zeffy and navigate to the "Contacts" section
  2. Use the filters at the top of the page to pull a section of your contacts to email. Some examples of filters include: Name of a completed form, tags, contact type and transaction date. Click the "+ Filter" option to discover more filtering options. 
    ↗️Refer to this article here to learn more about filtering and segmenting contacts
  3. The filter you will automatically be applied, after you select 'apply'. You can add multiple filters at once if needed. Filters work with an "AND" rule - if you apply multiple filters, only contacts who meet both criteria will be selected. 
    1. Tip: If you want to include contacts who meet criteria A and other contacts who meet criteria B on the same email, you can create a tag. Tag all those who meet criteria A with the new tag and repeat the same step for criteria B contacts. Then, filter your contact list by that new tag and compose your email. You can then delete the tag - learn how to apply and delete tags here
  4. Select all of the contacts who come up in the filtered selection using the checkbox at the top of the name column.
  5. Click the "Send email" button that becomes available upon selection. Only your selected contacts will be included in the email. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 6.07.57 PM
  6. A screen will open to the right where you can compose your email. Learn more about the different emailing tools at your disposal here
  7. Send yourself a test email or click "Send" to share it with your contacts
  8. Refer to the metrics available to you in the Email section to track the email's opens, clicks and more. To learn more about these metrics, click here

Schedule and send emails to your campaign supporters

For all campaigns (forms) launched in Zeffy, you have access to a "Communications" tab in the campaign manager.

To access the campaign manager,

1. Login to Zeffy and go to "Forms"

2. Click "Manage campaign/event/etc."

3. Navigate to the "Communications" section. 

Click here to learn more about the Communications section and how to schedule emails.

➡️ Send an email to an individual contact

Email a contact directly from their contact page

  1. Login to Zeffy and navigate to the "Contacts" section
  2. Search for your contact in the list and click on their name to open their contact page.
  3. Click the "New email" button in the top right-hand corner. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 6.27.05 PM
  4. A screen will open to the right where you can compose your email. Learn more about the different emailing tools at your disposal here
  5. Send yourself a test email or click "Send" to share it with the contact
  6. Consult the "Status" section of the contact page to see whether it was delivered, opened or clicked by the contact.
    Email status contact page

Emailing tools

To learn all about the tools available to you to create and customize the emails you send in Zeffy, check out this article here: Tools to create emails and newsletters in Zeffy


Send, draft and schedule emails

Screen Shot 2025-01-16 at 11.09.51 AMSend now

Click "Send now" to send your email to all recipients selected immediately

Save a draft of your email

Click "Save" to save your email as a draft. You can access your drafts by going to Contacts > Emails > Drafts. Click on a draft email to continue working on it. 

Schedule for later

Once you have selected your recipients list, you'll have the option to schedule your email to go out at a later time. Set the date and time you want the email to go out and click "Confirm." You can view your schedule

Send test email

Send yourself a test email to view the email in your inbox. You can also use the "Preview" button in the top right hand corner to view the email layout and adjust the content structure as needed.