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Filter donors, buyers or members in Zeffy

Easily filter and export information from your contacts page.

Filtering contacts in your account

  • Log into your Zeffy dashboard on a computer.
  • Click on "Contacts" in the menu bar on the left-hand side

  • Click on "+ Filter" near the top of the page. Here, you can apply multiple filters to filter the donors, members, or buyers you want to reach out to. You can filter for the following

πŸ“… Last Transaction - Filter for those who made their most recent transaction in your account before, after, between, or on date X.

πŸ“… First Transaction - Filter for those who made their first transaction in your account before, after, between, or on date X.

πŸ“… Transaction Date - Filter for those who made a transaction before, after, between, or on a specific date.

πŸ“ Completed Form - Filter for those that completed one or multiple forms in your account.

🏷️ Tags - Filter for those that are tagged with a specific tag.

πŸ–ŠοΈ Note - Filter for those whose notes are exactly or contain X.

πŸ“§ Email - Filter by email (is exactly or contains X).

πŸ“™ First name - Filter by first name (is exactly or contains X).

πŸ“• Last name - Filter by last name (is exactly or contains X).

🌐 Language - Filter by language (English or French/Spanish).

🏒 Company - Filter for those who have made a purchase in the name of a company (is exactly or contains X).

πŸ™ Monthly Donation - Filter for individuals whose monthly donations or memberships are active, or canceled, or for contacts who don't have any monthly donations. 

  • You can then export the filtered list of contacts if you want to save it on your desktop device. To do this, click on "export" in the top right of your account.