Offer different ticket tiers and rates

Offer a variety of ticket rates and items for buyers to choose from on your form.


To offer more than one type of ticket and pricing option on your form, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Forms tab 

2. If your form has not been created yet, click "New form" and select your form type (not sure which form to choose? Find your answer here) and click "Start this form" 

If your form has been created already, hover over the form title in your list and click the "Edit" button that appears. 

3. In the form editor, go to the "Tickets" section 

4. There will be one ticket type listed already. Just below it, there is an "Add another ticket type" button. Click the button to create a new ticket type. 

5. Repeat step 4 to add as many different ticket types as needed. 

On event, online store, raffle and custom sales forms, your buyers will be able to purchase as many different ticket types as they wish to in one purchase. On membership forms, only one rate can be purchased at a time per buyer. 

Common ticket tiers and how to configure them 

Below are some common examples of different ticket types users like to offer on their forms, but this is not an exhaustive list of the different ways you can set up your form! 

Add a group ticket (table) rate to your form

Click here to learn how to configure a group ticket. This ticket option allows your buyers to purchase an entire table or to purchase several tickets at a set rate. When your buyers purchase a group ticket, they will receive a PDF that contains all the tickets included in this group ticket.

Add a special rate for purchases of "X" number of tickets or more

If you wish to offer a special price for buyers who purchase more than a set number of tickets, follow these steps: 

1. Name your ticket type

Suggestion: Make it clear in the title or description that buyers must select a set minimum of tickets to get this rate, e.g. 5 or more tickets

2. Set your single ticket price.

E.g. if the price for 1 ticket is $20 and you want to give them $5 off each ticket if they purchase more than 5, set the ticket price to $15. 

3. Click "Options" on the ticket and set the "Minimum number of tickets per purchase" to your cutoff ticket number. 

Here is an example of what your ticket would look like: 

Screen Shot 2024-02-28 at 7.02.19 AM

Setting a "Minimum number of tickets per purchase" to "1" does not mean this ticket will be included by default in the order. It is not possible to make a certain ticket type mandatory for purchase on a form. 

Add a ticket bundle - Buy one, get one free

Click here to learn how to offer a ticket bundle on your raffle form. This ticket bundle allows your raffle participants to purchase several entries into your raffle at a set price. For example, if you offer 1 ticket for $5, you could offer 5 tickets in a bundle for $20. This encourages people to submit more entries for a chance to win. 

Add an early bird ticket rate

To offer a reduced ticket rate for a limited period of time to your buyers, you can set up an early bird ticket. Click here to learn how to set up early bird tickets.

Add a special members rate

If you wish to offer tickets at a reduced price to your current members, you can do so by sharing a discount code with them, or by creating a "member rate" ticket type on your form. 

There is currently no way to distinguish between a member and a non-member when a purchase is being made, so if you offer a members only rate on your form, non-members could still select it. 

To minimize the number of non-members who select this rate by accident, you can: 

1. Add a required checkbox question for that specific ticket type, asking people to confirm they are an active member of your organization. 

2. Add a required short answer question for that specific ticket type asking people to enter their member card number. 

To learn how to add custom questions, click here

To avoid this error all together, you can configure a discount code that is shared only with your members. See how to add discount codes here