Add early bird tickets or a waitlist to an event

Easily add an early bird discount or a waitlist for your event!

Early bird Ticketing

  • Log-in to your dashboard on a desktop.
  • Go to "Forms." Click on "edit" or create a new event form if you don't have one yet. 
  • Go to the second step named "Tickets."

  • There, you will be able to see a list of your tickets. Click on "Options" on the ticket you want to be an early bird.
  • Check the option "This is an early bird ticket." You will be able to specify a date and time when sales for this ticket type will automatically close and disappear.

This is how this ticket will show up on your form!

Waitlist tickets

  • We don't currently have a waitlist feature on the platform. However, we suggest the following workaround if you would like to add a waitlist to your event.
  • Log-in to your dashboard on a desktop. 
  • Go to "Ticketing" > "Forms." Click on edit to the right of the form in question.
  • Go to the second step named "Tickets."

  • Create a new ticket type "Waitlist" and set its price to 0$. 
  • If anybody cancels or your event capacity increases, you will be able to view your waitlist registrants by exporting your sales to inform them that a spot has been freed up!

Note that even though the ticket is called "Waitlist," people who go through the form will be included on all communications, including the reminder email.

If you do not wish to include your waitlisted guests in your communications, you can create a separate form for your waitlist and link it in the description of your event form

This is how this waitlist will show up on your form!