Set up and customize a raffle form

Sell raffle tickets online, customize your form and generate e-tickets automatically for buyers

Before you begin, make sure that your raffle draw meets the rules issued by the Gaming Authority of your province or state. In some provinces or states, you may need to obtain a license for your lottery.

For more detailed information on the regulations of each province or state, visit their respective websites. Please also see our blog post for how to run a successful raffle. 

If you prefer visual guidance, check out our video tutorial on setting up your next raffle on Zeffy. For detailed written instructions, continue reading below.

Create your Raffle:

  • Log into your Zeffy dashboard on a computer. 
  • Click on "My forms" in the menu bar on the left. 
  • Click on "+ New form" and select the raffle option. 

1) Describe your raffle

  • On this same page, add the name of your raffle, choose your language, and add a description.
  • Click on "Next" in the top right once you're happy with this.

2) Add your raffle tickets

  • On the second page, you'll be able to add your raffle tickets. 
  • Name your ticket, and add a price and description.
  • Add as many ticket types as you want by clicking "+ Add ticket" in the bottom right.

  • ⚠️ More options:
    • If you click the "Options" below each item for more options.
    • Set a total availability: if you have limited quantities, you can set an upper limit for purchases.
    • Generate Tax receipts: if part of the purchase price is eligible for a tax receipt, you can check the option to generate a tax receipt and set the desired amount.
    • Create a ticket bundle: this will generate multiple tickets in one purchase. This can give your buyer multiple chances of winning, like 5 chances for 25$.
    • Early bird purchases: if you want to sell some of your raffle tickets at early bird pricing, you can set a date on which this rate will no longer be available for sale. 

  • 🤲 Activate donations:
    • Below your tickets, you can activate the option for donors to add a donation to your organization and to generate a receipt for the additional donation.

  • ❓ Ask your buyers custom questions:
    • In the custom questions section, you have the option to ask two types of questions.
    • Questions for the buyer will be asked once per purchase. 

    •  Questions per item will be asked for each ticket rate that is purchased.

💡 Question Limits for MCQ questions

For MCQ questions, you can set a limit on how many times each answer option can be selected. You can use this feature to indicate how many meal options, clothing sizes, or spots in activities are available for example!

To do this, chose MCQ with single or multiple answers as the question type. Then, click on "a maximum choice limit below the question.

You can then enter the limit that corresponds to each multiple-choice answer in the field to the right. On the form, your buyers will be able to see how many of each selection are still available.


💡 Questions only for specific tickets

When clicking on "More Options" below questions per item, you can also specify which ticket rates you want this question to be asked for.

    • Click on "Next" in the top right of this page once you're done adding your items and questions.

3) Customize the look of your raffle

  • In the third step of your raffle, you can change the color of your form, you can add your logo (1:1 ratio recommended), and add a form banner (16:9 ratio recommended).

  • Further down, edit the thank you email that goes out to each individual that buys raffle tickets on your form.

  • At the very bottom of the page, you can check whether or not you want to generate e-tickets for your raffle. 
  • ⚠️ Please make sure to check whether electronic tickets are allowed.

Click on "Create" in the top right of this page once you're done customizing your form. This will finalize the creation of your form and will save it in your dashboard so that you can go back and edit it. If you don't click on create, your edits and creation will be lost. 

4) Advanced Settings in your Store

  • In your advanced settings:
    • Add a sales target. This will add a thermometer to your raffle indicating how much you have collected in raffle sales already
    • Enable paying by cheque for payments above 1000$.
    • Add discount codes to your raffle. For more information on discount codes, please consult our documentation here
    • Add your email in the notification field so that you can be notified each time somebody makes a purchase on your form.

5) Share your form

Once your form configuration has been finalized and you're ready for it to be publicized, you'll be able to share it with your community. To learn how to share your form, consult the instructions here: Sharing your Zeffy form.

Drawing a winner

Due to the raffle rules issued by the Gaming Authorities of each province or state, Zeffy doesn't have an automatic winner drawing tool. You can use the platform to sell tickets, but the draw needs to be done outside of the platform.

A random name picker is a great option if this meets the requirements of your state or province.