Print out tickets or printing out reports off the platform

Zeffy doesn't currently offer printing out documents as a built-in feature, but here's how to do it.

Print out reports

  1. Login to Zeffy and follow these steps to pull your report depending on the specific report you need. 
  2. Click the "Export" button. 
  3. If your export is smaller, it'll automatically download in your downloaded files. If it's larger, you will be sent the export by email within a few minutes. You may use Excel or Google Sheet to open your report, and print from this other platform. 

Print out tax receipts 

  1. Login to Zeffy and go to "Contacts" > "Contacts". 
  2. Search for your contact's first or last name and click on their name to open their contact profile. 
  3. Once in the contact's profile, you should see a section named "Receipts" with the list of their tax receipts. Click on one tax receipt number to open it. 
  4. The tax receipt will open in a separate window, you may now print out or download the tax receipt in a pdf format. 

Print out event or raffle tickets

  1. Login to Zeffy and go to "Payments". 
  2. Search for your contact's first or last name to retrieve the transaction for which you want to print tickets. Hover your mouse over the payment, and click the "View" button. 
  3. A window will open on the right with the payment details. Under the "Documents" section, you should find the e-tickets associated with this specific payment. Click on the e-tickets link to open it. 
  4. The e-tickets will open in a separate window, you may now print out or download the e-tickets in a pdf format. 

Zeffy's continuously improving! ✨

If you'd like to be able to print out documents directly from your Zeffy dashboard, we invite you to upvote and comment this Official Fearture Request here to help us prioritize your idea and be notified by email of any updates.