Setting up an event with multiple dates and times

Configure and manage your recurring event multiple dates and times.

Jump to a section of this article: 

Configure my form with multiple dates/ times 

Create my ticket rates and set their limits for an event with multiple dates/times

Get my attendance and sales reports for every day of my event

How to quickly email my event attendees

Configure an event form with multiple occurrences

This feature is ideal if you are selling tickets to shows, museum visits, performances, classes, or any other type of event that occurs more than once. 

When you configure a multi-date event, your ticket buyers will first choose the date and time they wish to attend and then move onto the ticket selection process. Here is what they will see when they arrive on the form: 

Here are the steps to follow to set up your form: 

1. Go to "Forms" > "+ New form" > select "Event" > "Start this form" 

2. On the "General information" page, scroll down to "Date and time" 

3. Click "Add a date" and set the date and time of your first occurrence

  • If the event occurs at the same time on a daily, weekly or monthly basis: 
    Click "Occurs once" below the date and select the event frequency from the dropdown options. The dates between the "start date" and the "occurs until" date indicated will automatically be displayed in the drop down list. 

  • If the event occurs at sporadic dates or various times
    Leave the occurrence of the first date to "occurs once" and click "Add a date" to add a new date or time. 
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4. You can set a close date for sales for each occurrence. If you wish to stop ticket sales for a certain period of time before the occurrence, set the "close date" for sales for that day. Setting a close date will disable the option to select tickets when that date is selected. It is not mandatory to set a close date for your sales. 

Create your ticket rates and set their availabilities

Go to the "Tickets" section of the form editor to configure your tickets. 

It is not possible to offer different ticket rates, types or quantities for each date of your event. The tickets you configure will be available every day that your event takes place. 

Understanding ticket availabilities and quantities for multi-date events

  • The "Total number of tickets per date" is where you indicate the total number of tickets that can be sold per date. This number includes all ticket types that you create. Your sales will be closed when that limit is hit. 
  • To set a limited quantity of tickets per ticket type, click "Options" on the ticket you wish to limit and enter the number available in the box under "Total number of tickets for this rate per date." This will limit the number of that type of tickets that can be selected per date your event takes place. 
  • It is not possible to set a limit of tickets for every occurrence. The limits apply per date/time the event takes place. 

6. The "customization" and "share" can be configured the same as any other event form. The display and links will not change if you have more than one occurrence. 

7. Configure your reminder email. In the "Advanced settings," a reminder email is programmed to send by default 7 days before your event with a generic message. You can program the number of days before the event you wish for it to be sent and edit the message, you can also disable the reminder email from sending.

The reminder will be sent to participants at different times depending on the date/time selected to attend your event. It will be sent the exact number of days before the date and time of the event the participant selected. You can learn more about reminder emails here

Obtain your sales and attendance reports for an event with multiple dates and times

1. Go to the "Payments" tab

2. Filter your page by form name and select your multi-date form. Click "Apply"

  • With this filter applied, you will see all purchases made on your form for every day of the event. You can export this report by keeping the filter applied and clicking "Export" at the top.

3. The "Select event date" filter will appear after you apply the form name filter. You can then select the date you wish to pull a report for by selecting a date from the dropdown menu and clicking "Apply"

4. With your form name and event date filters applied, click "Export" at the top to obtain the report of your sales, view the attendees for that date and their answers to any custom questions you may have asked on your form. 

To quickly view the total amount raised for your event and the overall number of tickets purchased, go to "Forms" and consult the data presented under "Details" 

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How to quickly email your event attendees in Zeffy 

1. Go to the "Payments" tab

2. Filter by form name and select your event form from the dropdown and click "Apply"

  • To email all attendees, no matter what date they have selected to arrive, keep this filter applied and click "New message" at the top. A screen will open to the right where you can compose your email and send it. 

3. To email attendees who have purchased tickets for a specific date, apply the form name filter and then select the event date from the "Select event date" filter. 

4. With the filters applied, click "New message," compose your email and send it when you're ready.