Set a close date for your sales to close sales automatically

Set the close date for your sales when editing or creating your events or raffles.

Automatically close your sales

If you want to make sure that no one can purchase a ticket after a specific date, you can set a date when the ticket sales will close. To do this:

  1. Go to the "General Information" section of your form. 
  2. Scroll down to the "Date and location" section. 
  3. Underneath the "End date" section, click on "Edit" next to "Keep open after the end date of ticketing".
  4. Set the date to your preferred close date. ⚠️ The field is named "Keep open until" but the date can be prior to the event date if you want to close your sales earlier.
  5. Click "Save" in the top, righthand corner of the page. You're all set! Your sales should automatically close on the date that you set. 

Setting the close date in advance is currently only available for "event", "raffle" and "custom" type forms. Sales can still be closed manually for other form types (e-commerce, memberships, etc). If you wish to set a close date in advance for an e-commerce form, consider using a "custom" type form. 

Manually close your sales

If you don't have a set date and time on which you want your sales to close, you can manually close your sales from your dashboard. 

  1. Go to "my forms" in your dashboard. 
  2. Click on the three little dots to the right of the form you want to close.
  3. Click on the option "close sales."


It is not possible to set a start date for your sales. If you would like to create a form and ensure that no payments happen on it before a specific date, you can manually close your sales after you've created the form and then manually open them on the day you're ready to begin accepting payments.

📁 Archiving

Once your sales are closed, we also recommend "archiving" your form. By archiving your form, you will still have access to your data and will still be able to view your form but it will no longer clutter up your "my forms" page.  
You can "unarchive" your form at any time. 
To view an archived form or to unarchive a form, filter for archived forms at the top of the "my forms" page.