Add a button to a website to share your form

Add a button to your website that supporters can click and be brought straight to your Zeffy from.

Add a "Donate," "Purchase now," "Register" or any other call to action type button to get your supporters to click the button and be brought straight to your form to make a payment. 

Watch our tutorial 


To add a button on Squarespace - Watch the tutorial 

To add a button on Wordpress - Watch the tutorial

Steps to add a button to a website and link your form

You will need access to the backend of your website to add this button. 

1. Go to the page of your website where you want to add a button

2. Add an element and select "Button" 

3. Customize the look of the button on your website and the call to action wording (e.g. Donate)

4. To add the link to your Zeffy form to the button, you will have to login to Zeffy 

5. Go to "Forms" and click "Edit" next to the form you want to edit 

6. Go to the "Share" section of the form editor

7. Copy the "Sharing link" which is the first link on the list

8. Go back to your web editor and paste the link into the appropriate section of the button creator on your website.