Edit the emails sent to winners or bidders who did not win once your auction ends

Customize the emails that are sent to your bidders and auction participants once your auction closes.

After your auction closes, all participants will automatically receive an email notifying them of the auction results.

Winning bidders, those with the highest bid when the auction closed, will be automatically charged for their item. They will also receive a confirmation email detailing their win, and confirming their payment with a payment receipt.

Participants who placed bids but didn't win will receive a separate email thanking them for their participation and informing them of the outcome. This is a great opportunity to re-engage your supporters and invite them to donate to your organization, even if they didn't win. 

Both of these emails can be customized in your form editor.

To edit either email: 

  • Go to "Forms", and hover your mouse over the auction form for which you'd like to edit the emails.
  • Click on edit and then on "customization" at the top.

    • Scroll down until you reach the emailing section. You will be able to edit both emails: 
      • Winner thank you email
      • Bidders that did not win thank you email

    •  Edit the contents of the email and make sure to save your changes.