Tracking bids, payments, and item winners on your auction form

Review the list of bids submitted to your auction and monitor the winning bids alongside their final payments

When your supporters make a bid on your auction form, they will be asked to enter (1) their bid amount (2) their contact information, and (3) their payment method which will be charged if they win.

Accessing your list of bids and bidders

At any time during or after the auction has ended, you will be able to track their bids in your dashboard. Bids and bidders will appear under the "Bids" page in your auction tab! To view your registered bidders:

  • Go to  "My payments" in the menu bar on the left of your dashboard.
  • Click on filter at the top and select your auction form from the drop-down menu

  • Switch into the "bids" tab to view a list of bids, bidders as well as the items that were bid on.

Accessing the winners of your auction and their payment details

When your auction concludes, winning bids are automatically processed for payment. The corresponding transactions will appear as new payments in the "payments" table of your dashboard.  

Bidders are informed of this during their payment process.

To view the winners and payments: 

  • Go to  "My payments" in the menu bar on the left of your dashboard.
  • Click on filter at the top and select your auction form from the drop-down menu
  • Winners will be listed under the "payments table" once that their payments have been processed.
  • You will be able to view the contact information of the bidder, the final price they paid and the item that they won.

  • You can also download the list of payments by clicking on "export" at the top right of the page.