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Enable In Memoriam/In Honour/In Memory of donations on your fundraising page

This feature allows donors to give in memory or in honour of someone, and sending a note to the family about it.

How to enable or disable this feature 

The In Memoriam/In Honour/In Memory donations feature is available on donation forms and campaigns only. It is not available on other form types. 

  1. Login to Zeffy and head to the "Forms" tab. 
  2. Find your form and click anywhere on it to open the form editor. 
  3. Once in the form editor, find the "Advanced settings" step in the timeline at the top of the page. 
  4. Check the box that says "Activate "in honour or in memory of" donation option.
  5. Click the "Save" button in the top right corner. 

How does the feature work? What does it do? 

 The In Memoriam/In Honour/In Memory donation feature allows your donors to make their donation in honour of someone and, if they want to, they can send a personal message to someone about it.

How it works from the donor's perspective : 

  1. When your donor makes a donation on your form, they will see a checkbox that says "Make this donation in honour or in memory of someone". 
  2. If they check the box, an open text box field will appear where they can write the name of the person. 

Another checkbox will appear, that says "Notify someone by email about this donation". This box allows the donor to send a personal note by email to inform them of the donation. 

What appears in the backend of your nonprofit Zeffy dashboard : 

  • From your Zeffy dashboard, you'll be able to see if the donation was made in honour of someone, and the name of the honoured person. 
  • You will not be able to see if a personal message was sent by the donor during the payment, nor its content, for privacy reasons.