How can I update my organization information?

Updating your organization's details on Zeffy

Keeping your organization’s information up to date is essential for smooth operations. On Zeffy, you can easily update your organization’s name, type (nonprofit status), address, and more. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log into your Zeffy account

  2. In your Zeffy dashboard, click on your name in the top left corner > click "Settings" 

  3. Under the Organization section, click "Organization Information."

  4. You can update the following details:

    • Organization Name

      • This is the legal name of your organization
    • Organization Type
      • In the US, you have the option to select if your nonprofit is a 501(c)3, a 501(c) organization that can emit tax receipts, another nonprofit organization or a private business.
      • In Canada, you have to option to choose if your organization is a registered charity, a social enterprise without a CRA number or a private business. 

💡 501(c)3 is the most common type of nonprofit in the US. You can find a non-exclusive list of US nonprofit types that are eligible to use Zeffy here.

  • EIN (Employer Identification Number) or CRA Number (Canada Revenue Agency)
  • Address 

  • Website

  • Bank Descriptor

⚠️ The bank descriptor is what appears on your donor's bank statement. We recomend adding a bank descriptor that is similiar to your organnization's name. This can help donors recognize payments on their card statements to avoid payment disputes.

5. After making your edits, click "Confirm" to save your changes.