Host a free event and create free tickets to an event

Offer free ($0) tickets to your event and answers to common questions about free events.

Create a $0 / free ticket

To create your event form, go to "Forms" > click "New form" and select "Event." Hit "start this form." 

Enter the general information about the event and hit "Next" to move to the ticket details. 

The ticket price cannot be left blank. To create a $0 ticket, you must enter "0" in the price section when creating your event ticket. 

Does my bank account need to be connected to host a free event? 

No. If you do not plan to accept any payments at all in Zeffy, you do not need to connect your bank account. 

However, if you wish to be able to send emails through the platform, you will have to verify your account information, as it is not possible to use the emailing tool without completing the verification process. 

How can I have a free ticket, but allow buyers to leave a donation if they wish? 

You can enable the additional donation option on your form to receive donations. Donors can enter a custom amount in addition to their free ticket selection if they wish to support your nonprofit. 

To enable the option to add additional donations, go to the "Tickets" section of your form editor. Below the ticket types you've created, you'll see a checkbox to enable donations: 

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