Integrate Quickbooks with Zeffy

Use Zapier to integrate your Zeffy account with your Quickbooks account and automate your accounting processes.

Zeffy integrates with Quickbooks through Zapier, allowing you to automatically send payment and contact information from Zeffy to Quickbooks when transactions occur. This integration helps streamline your accounting processes by automatically creating invoices and tracking payments.
You must use our custom invitation link to integrate Zeffy with other apps like Quickbooks. Click here.
Setting Up the Integration

Step 1: Connect to Zapier

  1. Use Zeffy's custom invitation link to access Zapier: Click here
  2. Create a Zapier account or log in if you already have one
  3. Complete the Zapier onboarding steps

Step 2: Create Your Zap

  1. Click on "+Create Zap"
  2. Set up your trigger:
    • Search for and select "Zeffy" as your trigger app
    • Choose your trigger event:
      • "Get Donations" - Triggers when a new donation is received
      • "Get Order" - Triggers when a new ticket, membership, or store purchase is made

Step 3: Connect Your Zeffy Account

  1. Click "Sign in to Zeffy"
  2. Enter your Zeffy login credentials
  3. Click "Yes, Continue to Zeffy"
  4. Test the connection to ensure it works

Step 4: Set Up Quickbooks Action

  1. Select "Quickbooks" as your action app
  2. Choose the appropriate action:
    • "Create Invoice" - To generate an invoice for each payment
    • "Create Customer" - To add new donors/customers to Quickbooks
    • "Record Payment" - To record the payment in Quickbooks
Example Zap: Create Quickbooks Invoice for New Donations
Here's how to set up a Zap that creates a Quickbooks invoice when you receive a donation in Zeffy:
  1. Trigger: Select "Get Donations" in Zeffy
  2. Action: Choose "Create Invoice" in Quickbooks
  3. Map the Fields:
    • Customer Name: Map to donor's name from Zeffy
    • Amount: Map to donation amount
    • Invoice Date: Map to donation date
    • Description: Map to donation form name or campaign
    • Payment Method: Map to payment method used
    • Email: Map to donor's email address

Note: Be sure to test your Zap before turning it on to ensure all information is mapping correctly.

💡 Use Zapier's "Formatter" tool to format data properly between Zeffy and Quickbooks. For example, you can split the first and last name of your contact using the "Formatter."  You can find detailed instructions here.