We are not a nonprofit, can we still use the platform?

Zeffy is only available to registered nonprofits and charities in Canada and in the United States.

If you are are not a registered nonprofit or charitable organisation, you cannot use Zeffy to collect payments or sell tickets. Any personal bank accounts connected to Zeffy will be flagged and result in closure of the account. 

If you operate under a fiscal sponsor 

You can use Zeffy as long as it is the nonprofit's information that is verified while opening the account and their bank account is connected to Zeffy. 

If you are a private business raising money for a nonprofit 

If you are raising money for a nonprofit, it is preferably their information that will be shared for verification purposes. If you share your private business information, please be prepared to share an official document proving the agreement between your business and the nonprofit. The document must be signed and state that the nonprofit agrees to their name being used for your fundraiser and it must also include a statement of how the funds will be transferred to the nonprofit and when.